讲座时间(Time): 3月29日(星期五)14:00-15:30
讲座嘉宾(Speaker): 马超 助理教授 ,澳大利亚国立大学管理学院
讲座主持(Host): 吴苏青 特聘副研究员 ,浙江大学管理学院
线上会议(Online): 腾讯会议 947-797-138
线下地点(Offline): 浙江大学管理学院会议室A723
讲座标题(Presentation Title):
The Effects of Perceived Overqualification: Research, Revisit, and Reimagination
The effects of perceived overqualification have emerged as a crucial topic for human resource researchers and practitioners to navigate dynamic organizational challenges effectively. This presentation focusing on perceived overqualification will include two components. First, a summary of perceived overqualification research including the introduction of the topic, extant research, and potential directions will be discussed. Second, a present study on perceived overqualification and stress tolerance will be shared. Specifically, drawing upon the theory of momentary distress tolerance, we develop a model to propose that employees who feel overqualified are more likely to experience heightened levels of positive momentary distress tolerance self-efficacy and thus engage in improvisation behaviors at work. The positive relationship between perceived overqualification and momentary distress tolerance self-efficacy is amplified when employees perceive that human resource practices are designed to enhance their effort and skills (i.e., high-performance work system). Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
资历过剩(overqualification)指的是员工的教育水平、所受培训和掌握的经验超出了其工作岗位的要求,却未在工作中得到充分利用。资历过剩可能对员工的工作态度、工作场所行为和人际关系等方面产生影响。此次讲座将就这一话题展开讨论。我们将剖析资历过剩这一概念,回顾当前研究进展,分析其可能引发的问题以及影响机制。其次,我们将分享一篇最新的研究成果。我们在研究中提出,感知到资历过剩的员工(perceived overqualification)更有可能提升其对于短暂的痛苦耐受的自我效能感,并因此在工作中产生更多的即兴行为。这一过程同时也受到人力资源实践的影响。
Dr Chao Ma is currently a Lecturer/Assistant Professor of Management in the Research School of Management, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University (ANU) and the academic lead of ANU Centre for Asian-Australian Leadership.Chao holds a PhD in organizational behavior from ANU. Prior to that, he received his bachelor’s degree in human resource management with First Class Honors from Hong Kong Baptist University and a Master of Business degree and a MPhil degree from ANU. Chao’s research interests broadly focus on Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, and his work has been published in ABDC – ranked “A*/FT50” and “A” journals such as Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Applied Psychology: An International Review, and Personnel Review. Currently, Chao is serving as an Editorial Board member of Human Resource Management, and a consulting editor of International Journal of Stress Management.
马超,组织行为学博士,澳大利亚国立大学管理学院讲师/助理教授。研究成果发表在Human Resource Management、Journal of Business Ethics、Journal of Business Research等国际一流期刊,现任International Journal of Stress Management期刊编委。主要研究方向为资历过剩、就业不足、领导力、员工创造力和职业发展等。
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