

A Simple Heuristic Policy for Stochastic Distribution Inventory Systems with Fixed Shipment CostsZHU Han, CHEN Youhua, HU Ming, 杨翼Operations Research
BEST NOT TO KNOW: PAY SECRECY, EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY TURNOVER, AND THE CONDITIONING EFFECT OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICEAlterman Valeria, Bamberger Peter A., WANG Mo, Koopmann, Jaclyn, Belogolovsky, Elena, 施俊琦Academy of Management Journal
Capacity Allocation of an Integrated Production and Service SystemWANG Kangzhou, 陈寿长, JAING Zhibin, 周伟华, GENG NaProduction and Operations Management
Demand Pooling in Omnichannel OperationsHU Ming, XU Xiaolin, XUE Weili, 杨翼Management Science
Managing Perishable Inventory Systems with Age-differentiated DemandCHEN Shouchang, LI Yanzhi, 杨翼, 周伟华Production and Operations Management
Ritualistic Consumption Decreases Loneliness by Increasing MeaningWANG Xuehua, 孙怡夏, Kramer  ThomasJournal of Marketing Research
Sparse Solutions by a Quadratically Constrained l(q) (0 < q < 1) Minimization ModelJIANG Shan, FANG Shu-Cherng, 金庆伟Informs Journal on Computing
Testing at the Source: Analytics-Enabled Risk-Based Sampling of Food Supply Chains in ChinaJIN Cangyu, Levi Retsef, LIANG Qiao, Renegar Nicholas, Springs Stacy, ZHOU Jiehong, 周伟华Management Science
Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Strategic Self-Control in Digital Content ConsumptionZHANG Shuo, Chan Tat Y., 罗学明, 王小毅Marketing Science
"I have to watch my back": Exploring Chinese hotel guests" generalized distrust and coping behavior应天煜, 谭小元, Wei Wei, Zheng Yanyan, 叶顺, 吴茂英Tourism Management
A comparison between chatbot and human service: customer perception and reuse intentionLEI Sut Ieng, SHEN Haili, 叶顺International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
A Dynamic Perspective on HuaweiMurmann, Johann Peter, 郭斌, 黄灿Management and Organization Review
An enhanced branch-and-bound algorithm for bilevel integer linear programmingLiu Shaonan, 王明征, Kong Nan, 胡祥培European Journal of Operational Research
Assessing the value of China"s patented inventionsHUANG Kenneth Guang-Lih, 黄灿, SHEN Huijun, MAO HaoTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Bankruptcy, overlapping directors, and bank loan pricingHAW In-Mu, SONG Byron Y., TAN Weiqiang, 王文明Journal of Corporate Finance
Creative thinking facilitates  perspective taking杨浙帅, Hung, Iris W.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Cultural production and transmission in museums: A social practice perspective吴茂英, TONG Yixuan, Wall Geoffrey, 应天煜Annals of Tourism Research
Detecting Early Signs of Overtourism: Bringing Together Indicators of Tourism Development With Data FusionKirilenko Andrei P., 马世罕, Stepchenkova Svetlana O., Su Lijuan, Waddell T. FranklinJournal of Travel Research
Diversify or concentrate: The impact of customer concentration on corporate social responsibilityZhu Minghao, Yeung Andy C. L., 周宏庚International Journal of Production Economics
How does reverse factoring affect operating performance? An event study of Chinese manufacturing firms寿涌毅, SHAO Jinan, WANG WeijiaoInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management
Inducement human resource practices and employee entrepreneurship: a double-edged swordYE Qingyan, 王端旭, NIE KunThe International Journal of Human Resource Management
Is "be yourself" always the best advice? The moderating effect of team ethical climate and the mediating effects of vigor and demand-ability fitDavid Emily M., Kim Tae-Yeol, Farh Jiing-Lih, LIN Xiaowan, 周帆Human Relations
Making Daily Decisions to Work from Home or to Work in the Office: The Impacts of Daily Work- and COVID-Related Stressors on Next-Day Work LocationSHAO Yiduo, 房俨然, WANG Mo, CHANG Chu-Hsiang, WANG LinJournal of Applied Psychology
Measuring China"s Innovation Capacity: An Important Unmeasurable Factor and a New Contextual Factor黄灿Management and Organization Review
Meta-modeling of heterogeneous data streams: A dual-network approach for online personalized fault prognostics of equipment俞鸿涛, 华中生IISE Transactions
Modeling and forecasting realized volatility with the fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process王晓虎, 肖炜麟, Yu JunJournal of Econometrics
Non-interaction and identity change in Covid-19 tourismZhang Carol X., 王亮, Rickly Jillian M.ANNALS of TOURISM RESEARCH
Now is the time: The effects of linguistic time reference and national time orientation on innovative new venturesTang Jintong, 杨俊, Ye Wenping, Khan Shaji A.JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING
Optimization of product category allocation in multiple warehouses to minimize splitting of online supermarket customer ordersZHU Shan, 胡祥培, HUANG Kai, YUAN YufeiEuropean Journal of Operational Research
Promoting or attenuating? An eye-tracking study on the role of social cues in e-commerce livestreamingFEI Mengqi , TAN Huizhong, PENG Xixian , 王求真, 汪蕾Decision Support Systems 
Revisiting customer loyalty toward mobile e-commerce in the hospitality industry: does brand viscosity matterWU Jialin Snow, 叶顺, ZHENG Chen Jerry, LAW RobInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Social status and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Chinese privately owned firms刘洋, DAI Weiqi, LIAO Mingqing, 魏江Journal of Business Ethics
Status and digital innovation: A middle-status conformity perspective刘洋, 董久钰, YING Ying, HAO JiaoTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Team-work, Team-brain: Exploring synchrony and team interdependence in a nine-person drumming task via multiparticipant hyperscanning and inter-brain network topology with fNIRS刘涛, DUAN Lian, DAI Ruina,  Pelowski Matthew, ZHU ChaozheNeuroImage
The contagion and competitive effects across national borders: Evidence from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakesDing Li, Lam Hugo K. S., Cheng T. C. E., 周宏庚International Journal of Production Economics
The Match Between Structural Attributes and Content-Based Orientation of Managerial Cognition: An Exploratory fsQCA Study of ‘Hidden Champions’雷李楠, 付亚男, 吴晓波, 杜健Management and Organization Review
The power of firm fundamental information in explaining stock returns邵帅, Stoumbos Robert, Zhang X. FrankReview of Accounting Studies
The Relationship Between Online Referral Marketing and Price Promotion: Evidence from a Large E-Commerce Platform曹仔科, CHU Junhong, HUI Kai-Lung, XU HongJournal of Management Information Systems
Traveling with pets: Constraints, negotiation, and learned helplessness应天煜, 唐婧怡, 文俊, 叶顺, 周亚庆, 李芳轩Tourism Management
Virtual Reality in Destination Marketing: Telepresence, Social Presence, and Tourists" Visit Intentions应天煜, 唐婧怡, 叶顺, 谭小元, WEI WeiJournal of Travel Research
犯错者地位如何影响同事容错?——任务目标偏离度和团队互依性的作用胡琼晶, 魏俊杰, 王露, 谢小云管理世界
跨境数字平台参与、国际化增值行为与企业国际竞争优势邬爱其, 刘一蕙, 宋迪管理世界
商业模式创新如何塑造商业生态系统属性差异?——基于两家新创企业的跨案例纵向研究与理论模型构建韩炜, 杨俊, 胡新华, 张玉利, 陈逢文管理世界
商业模式创新视角下我国半导体产业“突围”之路吴晓波, 张馨月, 张馨月, 沈华杰管理世界
深入贯彻落实习近平总书记在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上的重要讲话精神 加快构建中国特色管理学体系王永贵, 汪寿阳, 吴照云, 吴晓波, 毛基业, 戚聿东, 张维, 苏宗伟, 朱旭峰, 杨开峰, 杨立华, 席酉民, 李新春, 张玉利, 徐向艺, 刘志阳, 闫妍, 魏江, 郜亮亮管理世界
数字化时代的人力资源管理:基于人与技术交互的视角谢小云, 左玉涵, 胡琼晶管理世界
新组织情境下创新战略理论新趋势和新问题魏江, 刘嘉玲, 刘洋管理世界

