


讲座嘉宾:龚亚平教授 香港科技大学

讲座主持:吴苏青 特聘副研究员 浙江大学

讲座方式:Zoom直播 会议号:917 5947 8775




Does an Employee-Experienced Crisis Help or Hinder Creativity? An Integration of Threat-Rigidity and Implicit Theories (JOM in press)


Threat-rigidity theory suggests that an employee-experienced crisis may hinder employee creativity. An interesting but unresolved question is thus, “When does an employee-experienced crisis stifle or stimulate creativity, and how?” Embedding our study in a person-in-situation creativity research stream, we introduce employee-experienced crisis, defined as the impact an employee experiences from crisis event(s) in a team, and examine its interaction with implicit theories (i.e., a fixed vs. a growth mindset) in employee creativity. Two studies with multisource, time-lagged field data from R&D team employees supported our hypotheses: An employee-experienced crisis stifles employee creativity via increased job anxiety when the individual possesses a strong fixed mindset. In contrast, the same phenomenon stimulates creativity via enhanced creative process engagement when the individual has a strong growth mindset. We also found that the moderating effects of implicit theories are mediated by goal orientations (i.e., implicit theories are more distal moderators, and goal orientations are more proximal moderators). Overall, we provide an integrative account of when and how an employee-experienced crisis hinders or helps employee creativity.


龚亚平,香港科技大学管理学系讲座教授、冯氏管理学教授席,香港科技大学恒隆组织管理研究中心副主任。龚亚平在中国人民大学获人力资源管理学士和硕士学位,在俄亥俄州立大学获博士学位。主要研究的领域为目标导向、员工创造力、战略人力资源管理、国际化人力资源管理以及中国的组织行为问题。研究成果多发表在Academy of Management JournalJournal of Applied PsychologyStrategic Management JournalJournal of International Business StudiesPersonnel PsychologyJournal of ManagementJournal of Organizational Behavior等国际知名管理期刊。





